The following is a method to convert android apk dex files into images for image classification and malware assessment.
from PIL import Image
import os
directory = "Dexes\\Benign"
// Set the desired size of the output image
size = 128
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
# Define the path to the text file
text_file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
// Read the contents of the text file as a string
with open(text_file_path) as f:
text_data =
print('Failed to read')
// Replace any null characters with a different character or sequence
// text_data = text_data.replace("\0", "<null>")
// Convert the text to bytes
bytes_data = text_data
// Calculate the number of pixels required to represent the data
num_pixels = len(bytes_data)
// Calculate the side length of the output image
side_length = int(num_pixels ** 0.5) + 1
// Calculate the number of padding zeros required to make the output image a square
num_padding_zeros = side_length ** 2 - num_pixels
// Pad the end of the input data with zeros
bytes_data += b'\0' * num_padding_zeros
// Create a PIL image from the bytes
img = Image.frombytes("L", (side_length, side_length), bytes_data)
// Resize the image to the desired size
img = img.resize((size, size), Image.LANCZOS)
// Define the path to save the image
image_path = os.path.join("DexImages", "Benign", filename[:-4] + ".png")
// Save the image